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ARCHIES 2024年9月 創刊号 インタビュー/ ArchiTap

ARCHIES 2024年9月 創刊号 インタビュー/ ArchiTap

ARCHIES, September 2024, Inaugural Issue Interview / ArchiTap


We conducted the final review of the CAD2 lecture, which I am in charge of at Sagami Women's University, within the metaverse using the Cluster service. The tasks involved designing an exhibition room to showcase 3D models or photos of works created in CAD2 or other lectures, as well as exhibiting the works themselves. Since the lecture was attended by students from diverse fields such as product design, architecture, and fashion, a wide range of interests and preferences were expressed. Cluster is a social metaverse service that allows access to the metaverse space through avatars, supporting cross-platform from mobile to VR. The ability for participants to observe avatars moving and experiencing the space in real-time enhanced the interactive relationship between presenters and audience, positively influencing the presentations.
In the inaugural issue of “Archies,” a new magazine by ArchiTap, we were interviewed together with our director, Shuta Takagi. The interview covers various topics about how our office works in the field of architecture by utilizing digital technologies.